Mom tries to join son’s honeymoon, daughter-in-law refuses to allow it


A honeymoon has traditionally been the first vacation a newly married couple will take together alone.

Over the years, while the love-filled escape may not be the first holiday newlyweds will have in their relationship, it still marks a special time in their lives.

That’s why this woman may have slightly overstepped her boundaries when asking to join her son and daughter-in-law‘s honeymoon… Keep reading to find out what happened!

The woman, who is named Lisa, explained that her son, Callum, recently got married to the love of his life, Sarah.

Naturally, part of planning their wedding also involved deciding where they would be going for their honeymoon.

Lisa has a bright idea
Lisa seems to have had the bright idea to join Callum and Sarah on their holiday, and even approached her son to ask him if she could join. She was surprised when Callum agreed, before he went to his new bride and told her that his mother would be tagging along.

Apparently even Sarah initially agreed, albeit reluctantly, saying that it would be fine if it was really something that would make her new husband happy.

Drama unfolds
Callum, Sarah, and Lisa all set off to a beachside town, all three blissfully unaware that it would turn into the vacation from hell.

The newlyweds had planned various activities for them to do along with Lisa, but had also booked a few more romantic experiences for just the two of them to enjoy. Slowly, Lisa became all-consuming, and could not take a hint when the couple tried to sneak in some alone time and romantic dinners.

The woman, who is named Lisa, explained that her son, Callum, recently got married to the love of his life, Sarah.

Naturally, part of planning their wedding also involved deciding where they would be going for their honeymoon.

Lisa has a bright idea
Lisa seems to have had the bright idea to join Callum and Sarah on their holiday, and even approached her son to ask him if she could join. She was surprised when Callum agreed, before he went to his new bride and told her that his mother would be tagging along.

Apparently even Sarah initially agreed, albeit reluctantly, saying that it would be fine if it was really something that would make her new husband happy.

Drama unfolds
Callum, Sarah, and Lisa all set off to a beachside town, all three blissfully unaware that it would turn into the vacation from hell.

The newlyweds had planned various activities for them to do along with Lisa, but had also booked a few more romantic experiences for just the two of them to enjoy. Slowly, Lisa became all-consuming, and could not take a hint when the couple tried to sneak in some alone time and romantic dinners.

Clearly, her eagerness to be a part of Callum and Sarah’s honeymoon had begun to cast an ugly shadow on their highly-anticipated time away.

In fact, it all became so much that Sarah apparently approached Callum to express her feelings, telling her husband that, while she was happy that Lisa had joined them, she had hoped to have more romantic time alone with him on their special honeymoon.

Naturally, Callum was understanding of the situation, pulling his mother aside to ask if she could give him and Sarah more space and time for the remainder of the trip.

Lisa agreed, although she had felt rather hurt, and decided to pull back a little from the couple, exploring the quaint coastal community on her own for the afternoon.

At a farewell dinner the next day, however, the tension in the air was thick. Lisa tried to put on a brave face despite feeling hurt, feeling as if Sarah had not appreciated the effort she had put in to making her her and Callum’s honeymoon memorable.

What next?
After the trio returned home, the honeymoon became another memory to look back on – though, it was memorable for all the wrong reasons, and definitely didn’t go the way and of them had planned.

Lisa and Sarah are now experiencing a rather strained relationship, and Lisa has no idea what to do about it now…

Young Couple Arguing and Fighting. Domestic Violence Scene of Emotional abuse, Stressed Woman and aggressive Man Having Almost Violent Argument in a Dark Claustrophobic Hallway of Apartment.

Another added: “Many years ago my Dad told me if you wanted to be an Adult, you needed to move away from your parents when you marry. Because otherwise you’d always remain a child. These days his words seem prophetic.”

They continued: “The more I read these Reddit posts, the more I think married couples need to put some distance between themselves and the in-laws. Even if they get along.”

What would you do if you found yourself in this situation? Let us know!

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